Hallelujah, my friendly friends! It is, at long last, The Weekend! It's Saturday which, in my reality, translates to "the day that is half spent in bed, on the computer, and half spent drinking tea in thrift stores."
And, look at all the exciting delights I have discovered in the www...First up, Unhappy Hipsters!

Next! A posting of the Best of The Best at the Toronto IDS10 at PoppyTalk. Who wouldn't want this King Size pinecone to reside in their living room?

I look forward to seeing it again, first on Dwell, then on Unhappy Hipsters. Ahhh, isn't that what the WWW is about?
And now, for something completely different, check out Kate Bingaman-Burt's Obsessive Consumption blog. With daily, hand-drawn posts of her latest purchases, Obsessive Consumption gives something sweet to the idea of consumption.
Happy Saturday.
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